訂購貨物細則 Terms & Conditions for Purchase of Goods:
^ 一年保養並不包括 後級放大機和電源供應(火牛)。One year warranty EXCLUDE Power Amp (Point1&2) and Power Supply.
1. 客戶確認接受本協議及下列的規定。
The customer confirms to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement stated below.
The expression "The Company" below means "HEADACHE SOUND ELECTRONICS LIMITED".
Cheques should be crossed and made payable to " HEADACHE SOUND ELECTRONICS LIMITED "
4. 若以支票付款,須待支票兌現後,方可作實。
Cheques accepted are subject to final clearing.
5. 顧客於購買貨品或送貨的七日內,兩者之中以後者為準,如發現出售之貨品有製造缺陷,顧客可將貨品退回本公司以作替換或更換同等或較低零售價格的其他貨品。在任何情況下,已繳付之貨款將不予退還。
If there is manufacture defect in the goods sold, customers may return the goods sold to the Company for replacement or exchange for other goods of the same or lesser retail price within 7 days of the purchase or delivery whichever is the later. In any event, there shall be no refund of the purchase price paid.
6. 貨品之產權歸本公司所有,直至買方全數繳清貨款為止。
The property of the goods shall remain with the Company until payment in full for the goods by the Purchaser.
7. 本公司在接受顧客的定單及訂金後,顧客必須於本公司收迄該項訂金的日期起三十日內,全數繳清餘下貨款及提貨或;如貨品在本公司收迄該項訂金當日缺貨,在本公司通知顧客可提貨的三十日內全數繳清餘下貨款及提貨。如顧客未能在上述期間繳清餘款或提貨,顧客則當作不履行購買合約論,而本公司有權沒收己繳 付之訂金。
After the Company has accepted a customer's order and deposit for goods, the customer must pay the balance of the purchase price and take delivery of the goods within 30 days from the date of receipt of the deposit, or if the goods are not in stock on the date of receipt of the deposit, within 30 days from the date of the Company notifying the customer that the goods are available for delivery. If a customer fails to pay the balance of the purchase price or take delivery of the goods, the customer is deemed to have repudiated the purchase contract and the Company is entitled to forfeit the deposit paid.
8. 貨品一經送貨,貨品之風險由顧客承擔。根據上述規定,貨品於上述30日期滿後,被視為已送貨論。如顧客未能於上述之三十日內提貨,本公司可以,在顧客全額付清售價的款項後以及在顧客提出儲存的要求之情況下將貨品儲存,為期最長六個月,但顧客必須預先繳付每月港元五百元費用。本公司保留調整儲存收費的權利,並毋須事先發出通知。
The goods will be at the customer's own risk upon delivery. Customers are deemed to have taken delivery of goods at the expiry of 30 days as stipulated in paragraph 3 above. If a customer does not collect the goods within 30 days as aforesaid, the Company may, upon the customer's full payment of the purchase price and upon the customer's request for storage, store the goods up to a maximum period of 6 months, customers need to pay HK500 per month. The Company reserves the right to make adjustment of storage fees without prior notice.
9. 如顧客未能於六個月的儲存期限屆滿時提貨,顧客則被當作放棄貨品論,而本公司可以在毋須事先發出通知之情況下,處置貨品並毋須對顧客負上任何法律責任。顧客已繳付的所有款項均不能退還。
If a customer does not collect the goods at the end of the 6 months’ storage period, the customer is deemed to have abandoned the goods and the Company may, without prior notice, dispose of the goods without any liability to the customer. All payments of the customer are not refundable.
10. 在任何情況下,本公司將不會受理任何更改已訂購之物品的要求。
Under no circumstances shall the company entertain any request for change in the ordered item(s).
11. 如顧客要求本公司送貨,本公司將盡合理的努力將貨品交付予顧客。在這個前提下,除因本公司之嚴重疏忽外,本公司一律不會就因送貨失敗、送貨延誤或送貨過程中所引起、而令顧客蒙受的任何損失或損耗負上任何法律責任。
If the customer requests the Company to deliver the goods, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to make delivery to the customer, and in such a case, the Company shall not in any way be liable for any loss or damage suffered or sustained by the customer arising from the delivery or failure to deliver or delay in delivery, save and except for gross negligence of the Company.